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I need help

Tlh2129 Posts: 2 Newbie

Can someone please tell me why i can transform my house with my points even though im progressing through levels etc with no problem?

Best Answers

  • paul5473
    paul5473 Posts: 469 Level 4
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Tlh2129 welcome to the king community fourms!

    are you sure you havent fully completed the bean stalk house? If so then that's why you cant upgrade anything further.

    Have a great day

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 24,042 Bubble Witch Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Tlh2129 adding support to our dear @paul5473 it looks like he is right in that you may have completed it do you see this when you open your house tab

    The cats are congratulating you on completing there home. There is no advance at the moment to complete anything else.

    Keep collecting your stardust as the studio are working on some amazing ideas to spend it. 👍🙂

  • bubble_witch_maddie
    bubble_witch_maddie Posts: 16 Level 2
    Answer ✓

    Hey guys I have been playing bubble witch 2 since I was like7 8 or 9 can't remember which one. I've been playing bubble witch 3 for three years so yeah.

    Anyway I'm pretty sure you maxed out the beanstalk house


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