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Absentee team mates in the Tricksies challenge



  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,336

    Hi @Lesley-6 and @rustypi hey guys I am with you on these very good points

    Let me give you some levels to choose to help with you're tree challanges.

    Chapter 55 level 1075 all green

    chapter 104 level 2053 line blasts plus only blue and red colours

    chapter 104 level 2054 not all yellow but the one I use.

    Chapter 128 all red and easily clear a lot of black balls

    Them few should help you out. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

  • Lesley-6
    Lesley-6 Posts: 379

    Thanks for the tips @rustypi and @KimElston, much appreciated, I've jotted them down to save having to find this discussion I have to say I rarely go back to old levels etc though that has been mentioned before and it makes sense to help get the rewards in Wake the Tree

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,336

    You are very welcome ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‚

  • Greetings from Adelaide, Australia.

    I have the same issue with team members not playing Tricksies. It used to be more painful way back when Tricksies only went for 3 days. It takes a while, but with persistence it is doable in 5 days if you find you are the only one playing.

    I also go back and play old games both to Wake up the Tree and to get the third Gold Hat. My favourite levels for doing this are 2190 and 2187. Often if you are playing difficult levels, you never get to where the gold hat is cos it is usually nearer the end of the level, so you never see it to get a decent shot at it and the blue hat side bar keeps going down and you eventually lose your blue hat. In this situation what I do is revert to my fave levels (where I know I can usually see the end of the game), usually when the blue hat side bar level is at least half way or more. I play a few games of my fave levels and the last few times I have snared the gold hat ...YAY...I'm not saying this is a foolproof tip but it works for me.

    BTW I am currently on Level 2670 of Chapter 135. I have over 400k of stardust to spend on renovations to the Starcats abode, or whatever the Bubble Witch Creative Team come up with for us to spend our stardust on. Sometimes I spend it on lives, but that is not always a priority, and I just take a break. I also assiduously harvest the stardust twice a day.

    But the thing I am most pleased with is that I have managed to do all this without spending any

    money on my BS3 game as a point of honour. I have played other games, spent money on them and given up on them when they no longer interest me, but BS3 is definitely my favourite destressor.

    I wish all in our community a safe journey through these perilous Covid times, be kind to each other and keep those dear to you in your heart

  • Thank you so much for the tips @rustypi and @KimElston. I have just used them for the green bubbles in Waking up the Tree - absolutely brilliant.. (and I got the first brown hat too). Now to build up my armory of what I call destructor bubbles - again...Cheers.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,336

    You are very welcome ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‚

  • bubble_witch_maddie
    bubble_witch_maddie Posts: 16

    Level 2

    @Lesley-6 yes hello I struggle with the same situation with tricksies and wake the tree It got to the point where I was the only one doing both well what I did was I just stopped trying to send that message but it wasn't helping me or my team mates but with wake the tree you only get prizes if you participate so if your team doesn't participate they don't get rewarded as for tricksies I'm unsure. I hope I could help you have a fantastic day!!

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