How to get rainbow rush
@Stella_1 Stella_1 can you tell me how to get the rainbow rush booster, please?
Early release of chapter 467
@Stella_1 @Snow_Rider @PrettyBubbles Can you tell me why chapter 467 in BWS3 was released on Monday instead on Tuesday? I've updated the game and I saw chapter 467 released earlier.
Mi nombre es Romina soy de argentina-rosario. Messi
Pushing the edge of BW3S
Lately, I have been pushing the edge of BW3S and was wondering if anyone else is that far along:…
Need Add
I nd ad watch for life,, why no..?
🔮ENDED Bubble Witch Spooktacular global contest 👻
Halloween is soon upon us when ghosts, goblins and witches come out to play Here we have our BW3 witches 🧙and wizards 🧙♂️ entry in to the global contest along with 8 other games with the conclusion being in the hub Come join the fun and enter the various contests throughout the community. 3 BW3 players in this thread will…
Stella has tested out a mysterious magical spell on someone from another world!
In the Candy Kingdom, Denize the dragon from Candy Crush Saga wanted to try out being a mer-dragon for a while. Realizing that her legs would be too bulky to let her wear a costumed tail, she had to turn to some magic to experience the fish fantasy! Stella happened to be the one who could make it possible. She has visited…
Level 7639 issue
Owl level 7639 freezes as soon as you use all the bubbles. Three times on the trot it's done it, i've had to force close the app and clear the cache every time just to get the game working again. Anyone else? It can't just be me 🤦♀️
Issue with collecting rewards in latest Star Cats Games
Another issue for me in the current games! I can't advance in my free rewards from level 1 to level 2. I've won 4 times to complete level 2 and all it does is go thru the motions of 3 amulets and then does nothing, stays on level 1reward. please advise,