I had new mobile phone but game back normal level 1.
hope you can help me back up. this is BubbleWitch 2 my level number 535 And BubbleWitch 3 my level number 308 Nadene
Picking Team Tree Color Tiles
People, plz be more careful when playing The Tree. If someone on your team already accomplished a color or is playing a color, pick a different color!!! Soooooo frustrating and a waste of the entire team's time! And please please please don't pick a tree color unless you are actually trying to complete it soon. It holds…
Logging out issues
I only play this game on my phone and every time I start to play, it has me to reconnect to Facebook. This is getting annoying. Never had this issue in the past.
No ads pop up for extra bubbles
I no longer get any ads before the game starts for power bonuses and after I lose a level. No ads to get get extra bubbles to finish a level.
Flower Tiles Not Loading in Wake the Tree Event
The tree isn't working correctly. I've logged out and back in. I've closed the game and reopened. I've played a few levels and it's still not working correctly… ugh!
@mirichis34 me he enamorado de ti
Happy Daddy's Day to all the Fathers out there
@PrettyBubbles and I would like to wish all the Fathers out there a very happy and fun day. You totally deserve it. 🤗 I always loved this message and have used it many many times “A man’s worth is measured by how he parents his children. What he gives them, what he keeps away from them, the lessons he teaches and the…
Level 2000 badge
slowly but surely
BW3 – Begrüßen Sie mit uns neue Sprachen!
Jetzt die Community auf Deutsch! Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass es ab sofort möglich sein wird, im Forum auf Deutsch zu schreiben und Threads und Kommentare zu übersetzen, die auf Englisch oder in einer der 5 von anderen Spielern verfügbaren Sprachen verfasst wurden. Wir hoffen, dass es Ihnen auf diese…
Nuova Squadra
Ciao a tutti! Volevo chiedere come fare per entrare in una squadra per giocare a Bubble Witch 3 Perché quella che ho adesso e cioè da tanti anni, non gioca nessuno. E vorrei mandare vite a chi davvero ha bisogno. Ho provato a cambiare ma non riesco! Grazie