game reset losing boosters
I have complained about this before and NOTHING was done - every couple of weeks and TWICE this week - the game does like a reset for lack of a better word. All the STUPID tutorial stuff comes on which is annoying in itself but the worst part it IT RESETS ALL THE BOOSTERS BACK TO 1 - even if they are just boosters I have…
level 2265
Please ck out scoring for level 2265 - not even coming close - matching a color bomb with bombs barely scores any points - I think something is wrong with the scoring. Its not even marked difficult and I have played and played it. (and its not like I don't know how to play - I'm on level 7730 waiting for more on my main…
Level 2015 - current video??
I found one but it requires fewer crops and has more moves - my version has 17 moves and wants 10 flowers, 150 peas, 125 carrots and 100 water drops. I cant come close to the flowers. there are 4 on the board and that does not leave many moves to make 6 more. 6 of the 17 moves are used just to make them - if you can get…
boosters disappeared
so when I started my computer tonight and opened farm heroes on gameroom, most of my boosters had disappeared - whats up with that???
1995 - mine is totally different from any of the videos I've seen -
have played and played and haven't come close getting enough strawberries or strawberry bombs any hints? has anyone passed this version - attached shot is of starting board
rewards and beans and lives
3 issues - well the second and third kind of go together my "team" has gotten to 400 twice and the reward is supposedly 3 +5 boosters - I have yet to receive one. whats up with only being able to get one life or beans per day from friends - it used to be unlimited. so now I have very few friends that play so its 5 tries…
WHY is the map board on my computer suddenly looking like the mobile version again???
I thought they fixed that so it wouldn't be so small and stupid looking - please change it back at least the game board seems to be ok
banners at top of games
PLEASE get rid of them - they annoy me to no end - they cover up the top part of the game - I know you can click out of them but sometimes there are 3 of the stupid things. I don't need to be reminded EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.
Farm Heroes has crashed - won't load on gameroom
it gets about half loaded - VERY SLOWLY and then I get a crashed screen - tried 3 times and each time the same thing. anyone else????