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Why no new costume or character for recent Rachel Challenge?

tnab Posts: 31

Level 3

Hi, I recently successfully completed the recent Rachel Challenge (10 levels). The challenge appeared on the map and when I clicked on it, I was taken to the Parisian macaroon map. However, it also appeared at the top of my character sticker book collection, suggesting that there was a costume or character to be won (why else would it be there?). At the end of the challenge I received boosters but no costume for Rachel. Please could you explain if this was a fault or why the challenge was in the character collection sticker book, if no costume was available? I don't have a screenshot, as the whole thing disappeared as soon as it was completed. It then immediately started a Rachel star chaser challenge, which I have also completed today. but no new costume, just boosters. Thanks


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome to this community

    You will receive boosters at the end and unlock Rachel. It may be. That it is not yet fully charged and you will get it in the new event. Because the bar fills up before you get it. Please don't worry. At the next event it will come back and continue collecting until you get it. This is saved like the boosters. I hope this helps you further!!

  • tnab
    tnab Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Hi @Spinnifix, thank you for your reply. I have already unlocked Rachel from a previous challenge, so this was to win a costume or perhaps another character (but I assume it would be a Rachel costume as it was a Rachel challenge). I completed this event, all 10 levels, so I'm not waiting for the next event and I don't see the 'bar' that you are referring to.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hi! To get more information I mark the CM from Friends. You will be there tomorrow. @QueenMia

  • gr33n3y3z
    gr33n3y3z Posts: 9,493
    Answer ✓

    Hello @tnab this event for Rachel was just for the character Rachel, and not a new costume. The reason why you received this event again was because not all players receive these events for new characters so it gives an equal opportunity for everybody to get the characters. so since you already have Rachel all you would get out of this would just be boosters and not a new costume.

    Here's a screenshot I took today for you to see,

    If you zoom in you will notice it only says earn surprises and earn Rachel the raccoon.

    Have a great day 🍭

  • AbhinavSargar
    AbhinavSargar Posts: 3,726

    Rachel, Jelly Queen and Olivia are the Characters which haven't got any Uniforms. They'll get one soon. Till then let's wait.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello dear @tnab Hearty Welcome back to our wonderful King Community 🤗

    Few words to add to what my friend @gr33n3y3z has informed above...

    The message we see "collect a new character / costume" is a common one to appear to all players, and it will not be different for the players who have already received that specific character / costume, as it would take more effort and planning to design that way (which could create glitches).

    And the "friendly charged boosters" we have received after finishing the special event levels as well as Star Chaser, are given to us to help in our next levels. And I am sure you must have received some extra lollipops too 😍

    And we do not know if the Studio team is making any costumes for Rachel / Olivia, etc., characters! Until unless the Community team managers post and inform us about it, it is a surprise for all the players.

  • tnab
    tnab Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Thank you, everyone for your comments and feedback. I think the case is closed, but I'd like to make a few further comments, if you would indulge me.

    Firstly, I think its just a bit confusing and misleading when these events are also displayed in the sticker/character book, if they only relate to characters that you already have. I understand the logistics of the problem and that it would be more complicated to differentiate between players who already have and do not yet have a specific character. Perhaps it could be a little bit more clearly written.

    Secondly, I do appreciate that players win boosters instead, however, six hours of the fish booster, for example, is not much use without six hours of lives. This is only possible by making considerable and continuous purchases, which then makes the boosters a null and void reward.

    In my opinion, for what its worth, it would be a great enhancement to the game, if boosters could be switched on and off, so that you play them when you have lives and at a time that is more convenient. Having a sleep disorder and mental health issues, I often find myself waiting for my lives to renew late at night simply so that I can utilise a two hour booster. I know that this is not healthy and borders on (or is) addictive behaviour.

    Additionally, it often 'seems' that having lots of boosters can have very little effect on successfully completing levels. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as when there are few movable or free tiles at the beginning of a level and a colouring candy booster, for example, has little effect. It is, therefore, essentially wasted. I experienced this recently with the unlimited lives event, when having won several boosters, I spent hours and hours without success. It wasn't until the event was over and the boosters had expired that I then went on to complete the level. I appreciate that an element of this will be my incompetence as a player, but its difficult not to feel that the boosters are often wasted. If I could determine when I wanted to use some of my time with a particular booster or combination of boosters, it would feel a bit more meaningful.

    I know that this is only a game, and I shouldn't be taking it so seriously, but they are addictive and during this unprecedented time, they are something we turn to more.

    Thanks for reading, if you did.🙂

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    That is a wonderful feedback dear @tnab 🙌 👌

    The Candy Team does take all our suggestions seriously and try to implement them in the next event as much as possible. And the latest "different teams" theme in the Bubble Gum Troll event, was one of the results of our feed back only.

    After all, they are making all the games to make their players happy -- which are "truly" addictive, as you wrote in your comment while ending it.

    I think there were multiple Ideas suggested about "saving" our friendly charged boosters; and for also grant us gifts of lives, etc., Let me look for them and send them to you (in here or in a private message).

    Also, whenever a special event runs in the game, those specific game Community Managers ask for our (players) feedback. Let me see where Rachel event feedback is. If you cannot write all of the above, at least few key points could definitely add a great value to the feedback thread.

    Let me get back to you real quick 👍️

  • tnab
    tnab Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Thank you, @PummyRaj, I await your response.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?