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Mysty's spotlight level 5

Hi, is anybody having issues with random pieces of jam disappearing. Five times i have cleared the top of the board and when i come to complete the level just before the last move one of them becomes clear again and always prevents me completing the task. Once could understand but around 4 times its happened and i check to make sure all the squares are covered



  • Hi @Freddy_Falkner!

    I had the same issue when I played Level 5 of Misty's Levels, only difference is it happened 7 times before I did something about it! 😱

    ℹ️ This I what worked for me ‡️

    1. Log out of all the King Games you play (in each individual Game App) in every device you use (phone, tablet, PC, etc.) as well as log out of your FB account (if any of your Games is connected to it) & even log out here in the Community.
    2. Unistall CCFS in every device you use.
    3. Clear cache in every device you use.
    4. Reinstall CCFS.

    I know it sounds a bit like a pain but it worked in my case so you might want to try that. It has happened to me that if I have a persisting issue in one of my Games and I do this it gets solved. @MAW1972 suggested I did that sometime this year with another CCFS Event I was having issues with and it worked too. I am clueless when it comes to technology so don't ask me why it works but somehow-somewhy it does. πŸ™ƒ

    😁 Hope this helps!

  • pandascubs
    pandascubs Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I have been stuck on level 5 since the day it started & I have been having the same issue. Even after making the last move, that should have cleared the board, including having a fish go to the last non jellied, it didn't mark it❗❗❗

    I will NOT log out of all king games on all my devices, as I have both many games & devices, that is just absurd.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @pandascubs Hi yes i had an issue with this seemed everytime the circle thing went off they removed jelly, in the end i used a stripped lollipop booster to complete this to fill the jelly as it was doing my head in as had numerous tries. Only one i had a problem with.

    Unfortunately though i think you will need to restart the device you play this game on as it is normally the standard fx for most issues

  • pandascubs
    pandascubs Posts: 5

    Level 2

    @Freddy_Falkner Hi there & thank you for your reply. I have already done a force stop on the app & restarted my device. I used my power candies to make sure I could finish clearing the level, then on the last move I activated the fish I had on my board so it would go to the last non jellied spot. When it went to the spot it removed the candy & replaced it with a new one, but didn't mark it with jelly from the fish. I have now successfully used all of my power candies and feel this level will never be passed with or without them. Now I have to wait for more lives.πŸ˜₯

  • @Freddy_Falkner Your issue is because purple jam falls down every time there is a blank space

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,537

    Have you heard that something special and spooktacular is coming to Candy Crush Friends! Get ready!

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