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  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    Any active teams out there looking for a new member? I just got the feature today. Am at the top of the map so only complete 20 levels/week but i do participate in all events and love playing the delivery service.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited August 2021

    Hello @ellectra 🤗 How have you been?

    I too have received the TEAMS feature this afternoon, and I have created a team called "Candy Crshrs". Please feel free to join 😊

    When you are trying to search, please try both "CandyCrshrs" and "Candy Crshrs" (difference is space in the middle of the words) 😃

    ** You should see me (Pummy) as one (or only) of the member 🍭 🍭

  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    Hi @PummyRaj , all good here. In the meantime i have joined a team called Monikas, it's pretty active and there is one more spot open so feel free to join as well.

  • gurgang
    gurgang Posts: 1

    Level 1

    There is a team I am trying to join called “gur gang” and I was invited but when I click on the link it takes me back to the app and does not do anything. I can’t figure out how to accept the invite

  • Choe
    Choe Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Ignore the OS, for the game.

  • andyowens100
    andyowens100 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Any good teams to join

  • andyowens100
    andyowens100 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Really need a good tea

  • gouwsy
    gouwsy Posts: 0


    edited September 2021

    Really need players . I am stuck in a team challenge alone please young and old join please

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and Welcome

    Team: Please go here and everything about the team is there and you can find help.

    Much luck



    edited September 2021

    Join my team 956 Toxicos

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