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Watching videos for free lives

Tawnya66 Posts: 1

Level 1

How come I don’t have the opportunity to watch videos for extra lives when I’m sitting next to someone that does it’s very frustrating



  • Unfortunately it isn't available to everybody and those who get it (like me) only have it for a limited time.

  • Laurenmlh
    Laurenmlh Posts: 1,184


    If you're on your phone check your ad settings... I had ads until I updated my phone settings to block ads and now I don't get them. I haven't for a year or so but had them for the first year. My boyfriend still has them and he sits next to me-so yeah it is frustrating but check that. I haven't been able to undo it myself

  • As @Grumpy_Old_Man said

    Not everyone will get this there's a group of players who get this and others don't but don't worry it might come to your game any day now 😉

  • jj3748
    jj3748 Posts: 58
    edited January 2022

    How will I know if it does come and what do I need to do if it does where do I go to look and when was this posted so I’ll know if it’s newer or older and if I turned it off already is it too late to try and reload it back on again or can I go back into my settings and add it now and where would I add it at and to in settings if I were able to add it there

  • jj3748
    jj3748 Posts: 58
    edited January 2022

    How can I receive free extra lives and/or free extra moves in the game periodically either through winning them or possibly by watching videos or by claiming daily prizes adding up or just not through purchasing them

  • farm_lad
    farm_lad Posts: 388

    I'm not sure jj3748 I think you just have to wait until your heart level Is full

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,673

    Hi @jj3748 Welcome to our sweet community. You are here at Candy Crush Friends.

    The video viewing feature is only available to a small group of players. I myself don't have them in Candy Crush Friends at the moment. In another game, I have the function. I can't tell you when and how the studio will select the players who have this video feature.

    The last time I had it in Candy Crush Friends was in August last year.

  • farm_lad
    farm_lad Posts: 388


  • slly2216
    slly2216 Posts: 45

    Level 3

    After I made a purchase of boosters all freebies of extra moves, ads, just disappear. I swore never to buy again

  • BuffieSue
    BuffieSue Posts: 0


    Hello, I'm currently on level 2103. Two weeks ago I stopped receiving the videos for extra moves.

    Can the be restored without losing my progress?

    Thank you.

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