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Enjoying the new Jelly Queen Jubilee costume? Come get some avatars to celebrate her arrival!

EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679

Hello friends!

As most of us know, we have a new costume for Jelly Queen that is being released pretty soon (or has already been released depending on when you’re reading this)! So to celebrate, I made some avatars to share with y’all! Check ‘em out! ⤵️

Community Avatars: ⤵️

In-game Avatars: ⤵️

Like them? Well here the ZIP files containing the avatars: ⤵️

If you’d like a custom one with your name and/or custom border color, post a request below. The ones above are ready-to-use with the colors I thought suited best for these avatars.

With all that said, enjoy! 😇



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