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I'm on level 1479
Congratulations @Kareeshakl and Welcome to our Friendtastic community! Your badge for level 1000 milestone will arrive soon!
ReAched 1000!
Woo! Hoo! 😃
Hi @samiam23 warm welcome!
Congratulations on your milestone 1000. Sorry, you posted your screenshot in the wrong place. Don't worry! I'll ask a manager to move it into the right thread. This may take a while.
In the meantime, take a look around the forum. You can find all our current topics here: 🔥 Hot right Now! 🌶
Congratulations on your first milestone @Beast69. The badge is already on your community profile.
Check out our other topics in the forum as well. You can find them here: 🔥 Hot right Now! 🌶
I thought I never would!
Congratulations on the first milestone @samiam23 @Moh_sabry26. The badge is already on your community profile.
Please also explore our forum to win more badges or take part in our competitions for a chance to win gold bars.
You can find our current topics here: 🔥 Hot right Now! 🌶