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Hey guys I'm stuck on level 147 any suggestions


  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,806

    Hi @slayernomniee welcome to our community at Candy Crush Friends Saga. Can you please tell me what problem you have at level 147? I just watched it in my game and played with Misty. The number of moves is sufficient, I even had 8 moves left.

    It's not a hard level either. Did you make a mistake in the level number?

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130

    @DieOmimi , I am willing to help. I retried level 147 which had Tifi as the first choice helper, but failed the first time. On the second try , I succeeded and will share how for @slayernomniee

    First was focusing on unlacing the licorice tile in the center:

    Next was seeing that I could make a Color Bomb:

    I used the Color Bomb to duplicate a lot of jam-carrying fish!

    I saw the pattern of candies that would create a Coloring Candy and made that:

    Using the Coloring Candy to duplicate jam-filled fish or striped candies , I covered most of the rest of the grid with jam.

    So the final move was to set off the yellow candy to spread jam to the last two squares.

    So the strategy that worked for me was to keep destroying blockers but be constantly vigilant for making Color Bombs or Coloring Candies to multiply the fish, striped, or wrapped candies to spread the jam effectively!

    Good luck!

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,806

    Thank you @UncleBob2. Unfortunately, the player didn't get back in touch. As you can see on his profile, he was only in the community on February 2nd and never again after that. I don't even know if the player means level 147 in Candy Crush Friends Saga. There are some players who post here on the forum and mean another game.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?