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(ENDED) 🗓 Let's celebrate International Women's Day for a chance to win gold bars 💰

MountainMom Posts: 14,497
edited March 2024 in Contests

Hear ye! Hear ye! March 8 is International Women's Day.

It celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women globally. To celebrate here in the Candy Crush Friends forum, we have a new contest.

This contest has 2️⃣ parts to mark this 8️⃣th day in the 3️⃣rd month of 2024:

(1) You must vote for your favorite female Friends character. Select your favorite in the poll below. Be sure to tap the "Vote" button to record your selection.

(2) You must complete 8 different levels with the Friend you selected in the poll. Read the following Rules carefully!


  • The 8️⃣ levels must be played in 3️⃣ different episodes -- remember that each episode contains 20 levels between 2 portals, so you have many levels from which to choose. You only need a total of 8️⃣ levels (not 8 in each of the 3 episodes)
  • All 8️⃣ levels must be won with 3️⃣ stars ⭐⭐⭐.
  • You can play or replay any levels above level 60 on your game map. Levels in special events are excluded. Each level must be played during this contest period -- no old screenshots, please.
  • You can only play with the Friend you selected in the poll, but she can be wearing any of her costumes.
  • Post the 8 screenshots of your final scores. Each screenshot must clearly show the level number, your selected Friend, three stars, and your avatar.
  • Please post the screenshots vertically (not side-by-side). You can post all 8 screenshots in a single post or in separate posts!
  • Do not crop, edit or remove anything in your screenshots. You should mark your screenshots with a personal identifier to discourage other players from "borrowing" them. Using old screenshots or copying screenshots from another player will disqualify the offending player from winning gold bars.

⏳ Dates: 👇

This contest ends on International Women's Day, Friday, 8 March 2024, 5 pm Central European Time (11 am Eastern Standard Time)

💰 What Can I Win? 👇

Six players who successfully complete this challenge will be randomly selected to win 30 gold bars in their Candy Crush Friends Saga game.

🎉 Let's have some Friendtastic fun 🎉

(ENDED) 🗓 Let's celebrate International Women's Day for a chance to win gold bars 💰 40 votes

Jelly Queen
Andres-2MiaChristinebearwithmeDieOmimiBabyDoll_1980Amoonmoon[Deleted User]Ameliens 8 votes
PummyRajSpinnifixMiladyRdanicandyistuffrebelchildPrincess_JessicalelenspRacoon7moe75IbnanaJONH10SApple2200mimisCrushBOO1jaymiekaypeenekocat 17 votes
Werner_CichyfinnsiaEnergizerBunnyBQN537AnguaB 5 votes
Kerriejohndvonmaf34100MountainMomGumyupawpawCassDPalash_Sarma[Deleted User]teeweipingAIDEE6 10 votes


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