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Free moves and lives

Deby_Sutcliffe Posts: 16 Level 2
since the latest update I did this morning it has a facility to load 2 extra moves if u not finished the level also a chance to load a free life not loading 

Best Answer

  • borannrann669796
    borannrann669796 Posts: 168 Level 3
    Answer ✓
    Acv said:
    @Deby_Sutcliffe I think King is testing this out right now and a few players are in the test group.  For me they will give me the chance to watch an add for 3 extra moves or for an extra life once they are all gone.  I don't think they give the option for both as I will get either or.  I hope this helps.  Maybe @QueenMia will have more insight for you.  Hope you have a wonderful day.


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