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When will the new >1600 levels be released?

Lisa_Walker_Owen Posts: 18

Level 2

I finished level 1600 about a week and a half ago and have been sooooo patiently waiting for new levels!  I play on a laptops, Windows 10 with the game installed through the Microsoft store.



  • flew66
    flew66 Posts: 2,361
    @Lisa_Walker_Owen Hi Lisa, Win10 version of CCF is up to level 1660 now. You may want to log out and log back into the game to refresh the levels. New levels are usually released on Wednesday morning. If I don't see new levels on Wednesday, I typically log out, shut down the app and re-launch to force a refresh. I may have to do a few times to get the update. Cheers!  
  • Lisa_Walker_Owen
    Lisa_Walker_Owen Posts: 18

    Level 2

    @flew66 - Thanks for the reply.  I can find no option to Log Out of CCF, but I have closed it and relaunched it dozens of times.  

    However, if I am not really fast to hit PLAY in the Microsoft store, it goes into error.  Details say that it cannot update the app while it's open. Code: 0x80073D02

    Perhaps you can tell me where/how to log out and that may help?

  • Lisa_Walker_Owen
    Lisa_Walker_Owen Posts: 18

    Level 2

    Should also add that my method of just closing CCF and relaunching from the MS store has always worked up until now. :(

  • flew66
    flew66 Posts: 2,361
    Hi @Lisa_Walker_Owen , Are you using King account or FB to track progress? I'm using FB myself. To log out, click on the Cog wheel, click on the Profile button underneath the profile picture, you should get a log out option in the bottom of the window. I using the Power off button in the set up menu to exit and then close the App to force
    I am not sure why you would go through MS App Store to launch the CCF app. Once it is downloaded and installed, you can have a shortcut put on your desktop or pin to the Start Menu. No need to go through the App store.

    Please review the following link for troubleshooting Win10 App:

    You can always tag our excellent CM @QueenMia for help. Cheers!
  • Lisa_Walker_Owen
    Lisa_Walker_Owen Posts: 18

    Level 2

    @flew66, I wasn't using either King or FB, I was just playing through the app store.  No reason why other than it's just how I did it.

    So, I went into my profile, registered with FB, logged out and now I can't log back in and I've lost ALL my progess.  All 1600 levels.

    Per your advice -- @QueenMia please help!
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    edited July 2019
    Hey @Lisa_Walker_Owen :waving:

    Sorry to hear you're having issues to log back in. Are you getting any specific error message?
    Here are some steps to help you getting back to the game. 

    Let us know how that goes!

  • Lisa_Walker_Owen
    Lisa_Walker_Owen Posts: 18

    Level 2

    @QueenMia - No, I'm not getting any error messages, the game just opens on level one.  The profile I get when I quit the game and try to log back in is some gray bird and I just get the screen to register with either email or FB.  I had registered with FB earlier but I'm not seeing that recognized anywhere.

    I followed the link you gave me but it seems to always end up with help for playing on a mobile.  I don't play on my mobile, I play on my laptop.  I went ahead and filled out a help ticket, but the only platform option offered was for a mobile, so...not sure this is going to  be fixable.  :(

  • flew66
    flew66 Posts: 2,361
    @Lisa_Walker_Owen Wow! Sorry to hear the trouble that you are having with FB registration. As you mentioned that you had registered with FB before you log out, you may want to try the game on a different machine, tablet or mobile device. The same FB association should work across platform on multiple devices. 
    Another thing you may want to check is the Activity Log in your FB profile page, click on the Activity Log button and then filter using the "App" (on the left panel) to see if the Candy Crush Friends entry is there. That should shows any CCF activity recently. If you see a CCF entry in your activity log, then I think there is good chance you can get your progress back with the help from the Kings team. Good luck!

  • Lisa_Walker_Owen
    Lisa_Walker_Owen Posts: 18

    Level 2

    Thanks, @flew66.  I tried everything and more and no luck.  My 1600 levels are gone.

    Nothing left to do but start over, I guess.  

    Thanks again for trying to help.  I appreciate it.
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Hello @Lisa_Walker_Owen - We can get your levels back, no worries. Have you managed to log back in or register your account with another email? 
    Could you please give me your Game Id so I can reset your progress?


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