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If you’re looking for feedback, I have lots of it. You want to know everything, so that's what I'll attempt to do. I will cover as much as I can through the
answers to you’re specific questions & then follow up with
anything I have that doesn’t fit in.
This will be quite long & I imagine most of my answers will be quite
different from everyone else's. Since this is so long, I am breaking it into two messages. This one will cover the specific answers to the questions asked. The next post will follow up with other information & clarification.
Do you play to complete Quests every day? If not, how often do you try to complete them?
I am no longer currently actively playing this game for reasons that will come out later. However, I started playing right around when the game first became available, I believe sometime in October (?) of last year. I played every single day until I stopped playing about 1 ½ months ago. When I played I completed all three quests offered every single day. Except I think maybe 3 times when I only was able to complete two. If I failed it was, I believe almost always the Blue box that I missed, usually by just a few candies, & because I was very activity busy for the day & not enough time to play. When I say I completed all the quests, that includes any device I played on, which occasionally was more then one, & since they all had different quests, that would mean 6 quests or even 9 completed on a single day. This happened most often in recent months, once it no longer was able to benefit me as much. (my particular drive & enjoyment of the game)
What would encourage you to complete more Quests?
My favorite aspect of the game is collecting the different characters & their costumes. This game was awesome in the beginning when I had a lot of different things to collect & every time, I completed a quest or chapter on the map, or otherwise received some kind of reward, I would get excited about which characters would pop up. There are currently no new character costumes for me to collect & I had reached the max number of levels available, so there was nothing else for me to play for. I know there are more levels available now, but still no new costumes, so since I already stopped, I’d rather just wait until I have something else to play for again. More on this later.
Do you sometimes pick a character that is not recommended because he or she would help you to complete a quest?
I would do this all the time. If I got a character specific quest, I would always use that character first until the quest was completed. I would often get annoyed when a certain needed character wasn’t available on a level, even though the candy they use was. Several times, I would play a level with a character to complete the quest, not complete the level, go back & try again, only to not have that character available again. This was most annoying. Further, some of the other quests I would use a certain character to help increase the production, such as using Yeti to collect Wrapped candies, or Tiffi for the fish. This usually only happened or became necessary occasionally, for the Blue boxes, when it got later in the day & I hadn’t been playing enough earlier, or if I knew I would be busy & tried to get as much done early as I could to make it easier to finish later on.
What are your favorite quests?
I don’t have a favorite. Variety is good. I can pretty much usually complete them all anyway, so it doesn’t make a huge difference either way. As far as I am aware Dachs, Olivia, & Bubblegum Troll don’t have daily quests associated with them.
What types of quests would you like to have in the game? (Go crazy with ideas!)
Freeing Octopi & Dunking cookies could be a way to go. However, Olivia & Dachs are also specific to those levels. So should both be added, it would be very limiting in terms of getting them accomplished. The numbers should not be particularly high. Dunking cookies should probably follow similar to coloring bombs or candies in terms of numbers needed.
Creating combos could also be an interesting one. Either a specific combo like striped candy & wrapped candy, OR any combo of two candies. If it’s specific the number needs to be reasonably low, if it’s any combo it can be a bit higher.
Is there anything else quest-related that you would like to suggest or share?
Besides having more character costumes to collect, as mentioned above, I wish there were some other rewards that could be offered.
The problem with the timed boosters has been stated numerous times before on various other posts. This only gets even more exaggerated at my point in the game when it’s all I get. Between the 3 lollipops & the 3 timed boosters, a Blue Box yields 6 different rewards, which means you get some of everything. Additionally, the other boxes will yield the same rewards as well, & usually what I don’t want. Lately, (while I was still playing) I often found myself “stuck” because I would have to stop playing the game at certain times. If I knew I was on my way to bed or about to go out, I couldn’t play “1 last game” because that would mean completing a quest, & getting a timed booster, which would get wasted. That also meant, then, that I couldn’t always work on another quest that I wasn’t as close on.
I may be in the minority on this, but I actually don’t want any kind of “unlimited lives” reward. That’s not a reward, that means I’m “locked in” for that length of time or it’s wasted. I suppose “1 extra life” is ok on occasion, but that’s all I would want. I like to play in between other things & keep it open in the background. Running out of lives allows for a break & lets me do other things while they recharge.
What do you think of Odus Challenges?
I can’t speak to this, as I have never had one & don’t really know what it is. Looking into it, it seems as if this is something that has to do with earning additional rewards for completing the daily quests. This sounds awesome, as, previously stated, I always do. However, this actually sucks as it is something I have never been able to take advantage of. Double whammy, finding out that earning the highest level of this latest one, yield a “special costume” for Odus. Yet another costume I miss out on. (Why am I bothering to play anymore? See next post for more thoughts on this)
I actually heard about this & it drove me back to the game. I played a few days, completed all my quests advanced 10+ levels completed a Star Chaser etc. No Odus Quest ever showed up, & realized it was ending & wouldn’t have enough time to complete enough Quests anyway, if it was device specific. If not then I would have played more, but it never showed up for me anyway.
So now is the time when I cover some other things not already addressed & elaborate on some of the points I mentioned earlier. Hopefully, there are still people reading this & if King is serious about wanting feedback, some of this will resonate & make a difference. I’m going to speak personally, as I can only be myself & give my own experiences & desires & thoughts. However, while I may be alone in some of the things I express, I feel there are many others who would agree with me on other points.
I want to start off by saying, I play for myself. I don’t really care about other people’s games or what they do. I’d rather just play my own game & have everything that happens in the game be based on my own performance. I’m not a fan of team challenges or having my rewards based on how others do or be reliant on others. I don’t ask for lives from anyone nor do I offer them up. It’s fine for those that do, it’s just not what I play for or am interested in.
What I am interested in & enjoy most about this game is unlocking new characters & Costumes. In the beginning it was great, because there were a bunch of new characters available & all we needed to do was complete quests & levels & every time we opened a gift box we would work towards earning new costumes. This doesn’t seem to happen anymore. While it is ok to find other fun & creative ways to add character costume into the game, it is not ok when they are not available to all players. I have talked repeated on this issue on this forum. I started the thread DOES THIS GAME RUN DIFFERENTLY FOR EVERYONE? discussing this very issue. https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-friends-saga/discussion/257021/does-this-game-run-differently-for-everyone/p1
I understand the explanation given & appreciate all the hard work that is put into games like this. I was told to stick around & see what new features would show up for everyone. In hindsight I think this was a specific reference to the Bubblegum Troll, but even that was apparently not available to everyone. If Odus Challenges aren’t available on Windows, then windows players should not miss out on rewards give just because of the device they use. Things like lollipops & other rewards are one thing, but a costume is something else. I complete my quests every day I would easily earn the highest reward if I was able to. Since I’m not, why can’t it be added to my game as something to collect in pieces as many of the other characters were in the beginning. This way everyone still has the opportunity to earn the costumes no matter what device thy use. It seems like a reasonable compromise.
Also, going back a ways, there was the Santa Yeti costume, which was apparently only available for a limited time. I didn’t know this & was only about 15 pieces away from completing it when it disappeared. Probably another day, maybe 2 at most & I would have had him. The problem is I completed my quests every day, I got many level rewards & completed maps & other things that earn pieces. There really wasn’t any way I could have done more, but I didn’t always earn pieces for the Santa Yeti. I have no control over which pieces I earn when, but if this was a limited time availability, it should have taken preference over any of the other characters that would still be available later. Turkey Tiffi never showed up for me until after the time already ran out, as a star chaser, then because a costume to collect with pieces but was completely gone a day later. I never even knew Pilgrim Nutcracker existed until I saw it show on here in people’s Scrapbooks. I never had the option to collect Soccer Tiffi, even though my country won. Now, there is Eagle Odus, which I also miss out on just because I play on my computer.
This game is supposed to be fun, but my experience is becoming miserable & bitter as the very thing that I play for is being denied me, so I don’t really see the point of playing anymore. Ironically, it was the Olivia Conclave, showing up & disappearing, that caused me to seek this forum out & I discovered I was missing a lot. Had that not happened I would have kept playing in own oblivious world & not care about anything else & not be aware of everything that I’ve missed out on.
I have, completed over 99% of the quests offered, always complete Star Chasers when they show up, & complete the majority of levels with 3 stars & otherwise finish every task & event that shows up. I would like to not miss out on future costumes offer, no matter what is required to do so, & would love a way to earn any & all of the previous ones I do not have. This is what would get me back into the game, that I otherwise greatly enjoy playing. I would love to see a release of at least 4 or 5 or more costumes all at once & make it fun to play again & earn them. I’ve previously submitted several costume ideas for the characters & have others I would be happy to share if needed/asked.
Ok, I’ve rambled on enough. I have more I could say but I've probably already said way more then anyone cares to read about. Hopefully, I have gotten my point & ideas across & some of this actually makes a difference. If any clarification or further information is needed just let me know.
Thanks.amberhoppe19 said:I agree too that there should be another way to earn gold bars. Maybe reaching a certain amount of points to earn a gold bar . A like playing with yeti. He comes handy a lot. I like the quests where you have to get a certain number of special moves. I get those pretty fast and get stickers for the characters faster. I don't play every day but I play for a couple hours sometimes when I get the chance to play. I like when I get unlimited time I end up playing more to reach the quest goals faster too. I don't like the fact that you can't get gold bars as your prize for completing the quests That would be a nice incentive to keep playing as well.