I play the game on a PC, but in the past the game screen was still in the format of a smartphone. It changed a few weeks ago and I really don't like it and this was one reason why I haven't played much in the last weeks. I was hoping that an update would changed it back, but it didn't. Now soon the Christmas event starts and I really like to play it with the old view back.
I just don't think the game was made with a 16:9 monitor in mind. The event announcements on the right are not fully shown like you can see in the first picture. And on the sides of the background picture the design often doesn't extend completely like you can see on the left side where there is for example this blackness.
In the level itself nothing looks particular weird, but I am just so used after playing over 1000 levels to it being much smaller.
I really wish it would be back to how it was before. Is it possible to get the old view back?
I found an old screenshot from when I got a new character:

This is how it was before. The game screen which now goes over nearly the whole monitor was just in the part which looks like a smartphone format. And to the left and right of it was that picture with the rainbow and the building. But that one is nearly completely covered now.