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Rachel the raccoon

Xavierh Posts: 1 Newbie
I missed out on the chance to get Rachel the raccoon, will there be another chance to get her?

Best Answer

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,094 Candy Moderator
    Answer ✓
    Hello @Xavierh and welcome to our friendly community - I'm sorry you missed out on getting Rachel.  She is very special and a lot of fun.  I have noticed that they usually will bring back events (like Bubblegum Troll) to give players a chance to get characters or costumes they missed.  Sometimes its because you didn't get the event the first time and sometimes you may have just started playing the game after the event happened.  Whatever the reason, hopefully they will bring her back sometime in the future, so don't give up hope.  In the meantime I hope you are enjoying the Christmas Advent calendar event currently going on.


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,094 Candy Moderator
    Answer ✓
    Hello @Xavierh and welcome to our friendly community - I'm sorry you missed out on getting Rachel.  She is very special and a lot of fun.  I have noticed that they usually will bring back events (like Bubblegum Troll) to give players a chance to get characters or costumes they missed.  Sometimes its because you didn't get the event the first time and sometimes you may have just started playing the game after the event happened.  Whatever the reason, hopefully they will bring her back sometime in the future, so don't give up hope.  In the meantime I hope you are enjoying the Christmas Advent calendar event currently going on.
  • CrazyCaramel
    CrazyCaramel Posts: 3 Newbie
    I played the Rachel Raccoon event and won all the levels.  Rachel showed up as a character I was earning, since it said I had earned 400 of 500 points (or something like that).  She stayed at the bottom of my character list for a couple of days, then disappeared.  Why don't I have this character?  I beat the levels in the event with days to spare.

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