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Not a question, but a demand for a refund!

tkmoore66 Posts: 1

Level 1

Your game owes me 13 dollars. Actually $12.98. $9.99 + $2.99. That's how much I spent to win a game. $9.99 to buy a small bundle with which I spent 39 gold bars to buy 3 wrapped lollipop hammers.The last 2.99 was spent to buy 5 more moves but after the purchase the game spit me out! I would have made it thru level 7 of Olivia's enclave it not for that. By that time all I needed was 1 more cookie and the way it was set up I would have gotten it with less that 5 moves. But no, for some reason your game knocked me all the way out of it and I spent that money for NOTHING!!!! So I'm out 13 dollars and I still have to do level 7 again. I want my money REFUNDED!!!!!!!!


  • leoladalesmith
    leoladalesmith Posts: 24

    Level 3

    I dont think you can master level 7 unless you drop big money for it

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @tkmoore66 Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗

    Level 7 of Olivia event was a hard level indeed... it took me many number of trials to win that! Oh! The "friendly charged boosters" really helped me to beat that level!

    I am very sorry to hear that you have lost your Gold Bars and money on level 7!! Unfortunately, these kind of purchase issues cannot dealt by this Community Team, but ONLY by the "Player Support Team".

    You can send a complaint to them from your game directly. On the game Map screen, tap on "Settings" ---> Click on the ? ---> Scroll down to "Purchases & Gold Bars" and click on it ---> Check if you can find the option for your complaint in the provided list. If not, scroll down all the way and click on "Contact Us" ---> Write the needed details and also explain your complaint.

    I am sure the Player Support Team will be able to help you with this issue!

    Hoping for the Best! Have a great rest of the day/evening! 🍭 🍭

  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    So u use money buy boosters n u still fail coz of ur lack of skills ! N u demand a refund?

    ok, straightforward NO

  • gr33n3y3z
    gr33n3y3z Posts: 9,493

    @stan1981 that Was a bit harsh🤪.

    I play the game without paying for anything. But that's me and everyone has a different way of going about playing games whether it's playing using money or not.

    So I gave tips to a few players with Olivia's tricky level 7, you want to dunk the left and right cookies asap, using few moves as possible. Then in the center your going to need to break those blockers up (,also using few moves) in order to dunk the cookies. Try to create wrapped bombs and striped candies and combine them that helps with breaking up the blockers Plus if I recall there are fish on the bottom of the board to that will help attack the blockers too.

    I can't help with a refund, so follow the steps that @PummyRaj gave you. Good luck on everything.

    If you have any questions about the level comment here or you can pm me.

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