I so agree with everyone.....Playing the sugar track to collect the timed boosters are a complete waste. I used to play the lower levels daily to collect the sugar drops. The boosters were rewarding and useful and fun to play and collect. Now, not so much. The good thing is I don't have the desire now to play as much. I…
After logging in keep getting a notice that Dexter and Friends need to take time off and will be back soon. The game just closes out when trying to play a level. Problem just started today...Keep loosing all space ship booster when game automatically closes out, stickers are gone, Internet connection is fine...Not sure…
Regardless of playing new or old levels the color bombs should be worth the same amount of points. Problem is that when playing new levels each color bomb is worth 10 points, but if you pay older levels you only get 1 point for each. They can just remove me from the competition....it's very unfair
Yep, I too have the timed boosters....Such a waste of my time to play lower levels now. This change just might be what I've needed to quit playing CC all together. Just play new levels released and when the boosters are gone....their gone....as well as game play.
Please put the Build-a-Bot back to the way it was. Let us have the boosters it provided to play on past or new levels. The new change is ridiculous. Of course this is jmo.
Agree with what has been said by all. Those of us that have played and have earned the whatever level of the build a bot should not be penalized and lose it at the end of the episode. Once you have earned the booster(s) you should keep them until you lose a level!!!
Ok, I just played the CC sugar track for 2 hours. I've reached 180 candies collected and only received rewards 1 time throughout the entire game of play. I was always connected to FB when starting each level of play, but at the end when the candy jar shuffled rewards all I get is a message that instructed me to connect to…
Debbie, Didi is back today but I don't know if it's working yet. I started playing it during the day but I haven't completed it yet. It's on my iPhone but not the browsers because I just checked. It's also on Windows 10 but it's telling me to start at the beginning so nothing is syncing either. Hi Elsa, Hmmmm. I normally…
Hi jiffylady1, I don't understand it either. I wish that you could work for King and get it fixed quickly! I don't know how many programmers work in their studio but from my programming experience sometimes you fix one thing and it glitches something else. I agree that it should be removed until it's fixed and it was…