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mamacathy Level 3

Why does oops keep coming up on level 4084, and other levels. I lost my only spaceship booster 😕


  • I totally agree, King...I've been on a candy level #2343 for 2 days and haven't received any sugar drops, you should be ashamed of treating your loyal players so cruelly. I had over 16 EARNED coconut wheels which have somehow disappeared. Please listen to your king community. We want our sugar drops back. I could go on and…
  • bearwithme, I'm in as soon as my sugar drop reward turns up. My internet connection problem was bc I wasn't logging in through fb. I wish u luck.
  • Thanks bearwithme, I've tried everything, my internet is working, just not when I want to collect my sugar drops. Maybe tomorrow things will be different. Something is going on with this game (?) 
  • bearwithme, sorry to hear that, I'm having trouble claiming mine, just like your screen shot, I'm to 192 sugar drops,and CC keeps telling me to connect to the internet to claim, problem is, I'm connected, tried everything, turning my device off and on, they must be up to something. I agree with you on timed boosters, some…
  • My two kindles recently are not in sync. Levels not matching up and my older kindle is not letting me collect sugar drop awards, wants me to connect to the internet which I already am??? I do not play through Facebook. Can you help with this problem?
  • Long live the Sugar Drops!!! Thanks, King. 
  • Beechgal, I agree with your post, I think I have 16 coconuts wheels from free spins, no hammers or switch moves, especially when you need them to get you out of a hard level and are down to your last move. Miss our candy crush when it used to be fun. King is not hearing our plea for help.
  • Me too, Crismon_Dawn, but I feel something happened to this candy crush saga game. They switched things around, they are not as SWEET to their players as they once were. Difficult levels, less moves on levels, less rewards and just over all, less fun stuff. No longer, "relax and play" it's pretty tricky and stressful. 🐱😨
  • Or, more than one fish showing up in this bonus. It tough when you don't have many bonuses, go to use it, and only one of two 🐟 show up.
  • I have sugar drops, but guess what guys I'm only earning 1 or 2 on a candy level, less move, less drops :( I voted to keep the drops, hopefully more players will vote, but I feel KING, just wants to be "The King," and doesn't care about its loyal players. So sad 😢
  • All levels are getting harder with less moves. Does anyone have any help for level #2291, 16 moves only. Come on KING play fair, your customers are not happy : ( 😢😢😢 We want our sugar drops back for all players, too!!!
  • I'm still having less daily spins and empty sugar drop awards on my 2nd device, never happened before, thought it was a glitch they were fixing, but like Lindsey said, " it's been over a month!" 😕
  • Sugar Drops are needed by ALL CC players to enjoy the game. The levels are very hard to get through with less moves as it is...can't imagine playing without a little extra help. Please, whoever is involved in the removal of sugar drops, bear with us and return our little treats. Lindsey, hope your drops are back soon. : (
  • Or deleting...
  • You're welcome Lindsey, it just makes sense for everyone to have sugar drops, better for the players and better for King. Happiness all around : ) 
  • King, PLEASE RETURN SUGAR DROPS TO ALL CC PLAYERS. Thankfully, my sugar drops have returned. It's not fair or enjoyable for other players, who have been loyal players to you, to have their drops taken away. Impossible to get through new levels with less moves and especially without drops. Be kind and fair to all.
  • Deryck, it's harder to get a win on CC,than your favorite casino, and we know how hard that is
  • Deryck, well said, my last message to you was not approved by King, so it never went through. Good luck!
  • I agree Harley 1200, KING,, please let your players keep their sugar drop candies, we work hard for our candies and rewards. Thank you
  • Empty boxes are so disappointing, i was shocked when I kept receiving them. It was explained to me that if I use 2 devices, the rewards only go to one device, but, that never happened before, not sure what's happening but KING players are having some sad and hard times just trying to keep in the game and pass levels . Good…

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