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Keep Sugar Drops



  • Joe000
    Joe000 Posts: 43

    Level 3

    Just got an interesting response from King Player Relations. 
    Hi Joe,
    Thank you for getting back to us.

    I am sorry to hear Sugar Track is still not available for you, and the piggy bank and Build-A-Bot are appearing in duplicate.

    While I wish we could manually return Sugar Track back to your game for your enjoyment, this is simply not something we have the ability to manually add, and will at times not be available while in the process of being updated, tested or going through trials. Events and challenges can also go through rotations in availability, to allow the opportunity to new groups players to try out the feature that they may not have had a previous turn to try out yet. I have taken the opportunity as well as my colleague to let our Development Team and Studio know this is a missed feature and you are hoping for its soon return, however we simply don't have any additional information on when this may be or any future availability on events such as this.

    With that said, I have sent this information regarding the build-a-bot and piggy bank to our Technical Team for further review and will get back to you once we have additional information or steps regarding this situation.

    We thank you for your patience and cooperation, and we will chat again with you soon.

    King Player Relations”
  • bougd55
    bougd55 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I have been without sugar drops for about 6 weeks now an just a few minutes ago I put the game on a low and behold my sugar drops are back !!!!! Hopefully for good this time !!!!
  • Joe000
    Joe000 Posts: 43

    Level 3

    O M G. The Drops are back on my game. I would like to thank those at King for restoring my favorite game.
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,933
    There is hope.  @bougd55 just mentioned receiving sugar drops again.  Also - some people could no longer reset their boards at all.  Whatever board you got was it and you had no control where your boosters landed on the board.  King has now changed it so that the game boards can be reset.  So King does listen and they will make changes.  Another example is the build a bot.  The ability to use it on previous levels was removed, but that appears to be gradually changing and more and more people are able to use their bot on old levels.  So please do not give up hope.  Let King know how you feel (please get people to vote on the poll) and hopefully everyone will soon get their sugar drops back.
  • quiltedpink
    quiltedpink Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Oh my gosh, I am so excited. My sugar drops are back! Thank you for listening to us.

  • Bianco_Kong
    Bianco_Kong Posts: 96

    Level 3

    Thanks to King! My sugar drops returned. Listening to advice is the best way to win over the players. Love you! 
  • adylanfan
    adylanfan Posts: 30

    Level 3

    Sugar drops reinstalled on my device as well. Thanks King. 
  • Lindsey_Ash
    Lindsey_Ash Posts: 68

    Level 3

    Finally, my sugar drops are back. I am sooo excited. Thank you King for listening to us. People will be very happy.
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,933
    I'm so glad everyone seems to have got their sugar drops back.  See - speaking up in the community works and King does listen.  It may take longer in some cases than others but your opinions and requests are heard and do matter.  Now that you have become active in the community I hope you continue to explore and participate here.  You can start your own discussions or participate in others and of course definitely enter the various contests and win some gold bars!
    Anyway - I am extremely glad it worked out for everyone!
  • mamacathy
    mamacathy Posts: 95

    Level 3

    Long live the Sugar Drops!!! Thanks, King. 
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