Level 5914 too many blocks. Not enough moves Need help
This is a picture of the second level of 5914. The first level is possible. But you only get 23 moves. Even if you get 20 moves for the second half which is this. You need 5 hits for the knots and 5 hits for the candy eating flowers. I have played this for 3 hours. Yes, almost 100 moves. It's impossible unless someone here…
Level 5894
Does anyone have any ideas how to win 5894? with only 20 moves to get through cotton candy, cupcakes under it and blocked fishes, it's impossible to win if you use all your boosters. Thank you everyone.😁☺️
HELP !!!!!!! LEVEL 5883 IS BROKEN!!!!
Today I get two boosters and today Level 5883 is broken!!! Yesterday it said to bring down 7 monkies. Today it says 9!!!!!!!! You can't bring down 9 because there are NO orange candies. Just bringing down 7 monkies. I finally did it after two days and now I can't go any further in levels because this game changed…
Level 5816 NOT EAST Played it over 200 times.
Level 5816. Look at this. I know I'm complaining again. BUT!!!! We get 22 moves. even if you get pass the first have in 2 moves, you can't get the others because of the cupcakes. And yes, they said it's easy. I've hit the quit button over 50 times. Played it all weekend So that means I'm pass 100 moves. And today, I've…
Thank you to all the players
I would like all the player who have sent me so much love, support,. and the free turns. Yes I'm still stuck,😶 but you guys have been great for the pass couple of weeks. I can't thank you enough.💗
Need help. Lost my daily boosters due to a broken game (they fixed it too late)
I'm on Level 5889.. I lost my daily boosters because there was an error on level 5883 today. I was on. It first was 7 monkies. This morning it said 9 and there was no way to make ANY monkies because orange candies didn't exist. When they fixed it, I lost almost 2 hours of my daily boosters. And today, I was two. So…
Someone tell me how do you win? Level 5598
Before playing level 5598 As you can see you only have 20 moves. YES THIS IS LABLED EASY😡 You have to go through 5 times hitting the candy eating flowers and the cotton candy and the cupcakes. IF and I mean IF you can get out of the small space your playing.😡 Now after 18 moves. You can't get out. This is with two boosters…
Level 5803 A Spit in the face. :(
I don't know why you changed your format that everything can be done on 20 moves. As I and others was explaining to people who have noticed the change, not only is your game not fun anymore, but you made it so frustrating so no one can recommend it. Please, look at this. I'm down to one move, and I will be hitting the quit…
Not enough time on Level 5625 for all the blockade you have to go through.
Look at this level. There are so many blockades (which includes what's under the cotton candy) you can't get through in just 20 moves. I don't know how they can't see this??? Under the cotton candy is cupcakes, candy eating flowers and arrows blocking your candies. Your daily boosters cone up an block you making 4's and…
They change it to only 20 moves once you reach the 5,700 level
This is Level 5780 It's a two part. They only give you 20 moves. Don't expect it to be fun anymore. Only 20 moves or less now after you hit the 5,700 mark One game took me 300 hundred moves. I have the fish and the bomb today. I don't expect to get pass this level today. It takes 5 moves to make one Monkie. it takes a lot…