Something big is going on - what could it be?
Have you heard that something big is coming to the Farm Heroes Saga Community on Monday, 28 September? What could it be? Tiffi knows but she is not telling anyone. Yeti is trying to find out the secret on his tablet. Nutcracker has no clue. What could it be? "We need to know," Nutcracker says. "Yeti type in Google the date…
Why is Mr Yeti confused?
Mr Yeti is confused. He went to sleep and everything was fine. He woke up and there was chaos everywhere! Just for fun, tell me what happened! You can be as chaotic as you like 😁
Did you know?
I really enjoy doing Google searches for fun facts and I hope that you do too. I am starting a new message in each game community with the same discussion title. Please feel free to add fun facts and maybe, if I have time, I will post a message weekly.
Egypt ✨♥️✨
Here I will collect pictures of my beloved and beautiful country, Egypt ♥️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Today is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day!
On April 2nd each year, National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day celebrates a classic food favorite. The average American will have eaten over 2000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by the time they graduate from high school. Peanut butter was considered a delicacy in the early 1900s and was only served in New York City’s…
The circus is coming to the King community!
Did you know that Tiffi and her friends recently went to see the circus when they travelled to the Candy Kingdom? What did you say? You never went to a circus? Fear not, just join Tiffi and her friends as they enjoy the circus in the Candy Kingdom! Part 1 of a 2-part story – The circus is coming to town! Part 2 of the…
No account but want to join in. Sign up here in 2 minutes Hey guys and gals lets have a trip down memory lane and share your circus memories with us. ⛺ Our @Elsa wants to create an amazing story and will add some of your real life experiences. You went to the circus 🎪 and upon leaving you were asked to give an interview…
Elsa and Tiffi put their heads together and created a new story called “Friends’ Got Talent”. If you have ever watched the popular talent show in your country then you will know what this new story is all about. Twelve characters have participated in the talent show. There is no ending, as you already know if you read…
Something big is coming to the Friends community on Monday 8.3.2020
Have you heard that something big is coming to the Friends' Community on Monday, 3rd August? What could it be? Tiffi knows but she is not telling anyone. Yeti is trying to find out the secret on his tablet. Nutcracker has no clue. What could it be? "We need to know," Nutcracker says. "Yeti type in Google the date and…
What a Joke this is ! I have gotten My game name in here...And tried to get Some Free Gold Bars for my Candy Crush Jelly Game. Not a Word from Anyone. Nor have I seen Any Gold Bars ! And...I Am Still being Asked...To Make Up My Game Name ! I Think...I Will Just Go back to Playing the Game !