(Finished) Crack the Code and win tons Gold bars!
If you don't have a Community account yet, no worries, sign up right here to participate It only takes a second! As easy as that 😉 🍭🍭🍭 Are you the Community MasterMind? Prove it and crack the code! To keep you in shape this summer, we're giving some food for your brain! No need for the usual holiday homework, we have it…
Taking shortcut through Soda World
Tiffi, Kimmy and Mr. Toffee continued on with
their journey. They finally make it to
Soda World. Tiffi is feeling exhausted
but Mr. Toffee tells her that there is no time to stop for a rest. “Oh look,” says Kimmy. “There is Mrs. Crab up ahead. I have to say
hello to her!” “Hi, Mrs. Crab,” she says. How are you doing…
The end!
Kimmy said that once at Cotton Candy Clouds, the Jelly Queen braided Yeti and his niece Jenny was thinking to free him, and ... finally! he was free! but ... while he was sleeping he had nightmares about this event. oh that's tragic said vanilla beard. Tiffi planned a picnic.
Kimmy says the plan
Kimmy powiedziała, że kiedyś w Cotton Candy Clouds galaretowa królowa warkoczyła Yeti i jego siostrzenica Jenny zastanawiały się, czy go uwolnić, i ... w końcu! był wolny! ale ... kiedy spał, miał koszmary o tym wydarzeniu. och, to tragiczne, powiedziała waniliowa broda. Tiffi zaplanowała piknik. Next…
Hello everyone :) A few back I got a notification that I will be able to DM anyone haha and I tried texting someone IDK who he or she is just to check how it works and I got no replies :D haha I know this post must be weird haha still I m posting just to know if this is only me who feel this way :)
Jelly Queen has a problem
Jelly Queen realizes that the
rest is not working at all, so she gets back into her ship and heads towards
Gelatine Grotto. Unfortunately, because
she didn’t get a peaceful rest and her mind was still thinking of where to go
next, her ship starts to bounce off the walls which causes the jelly cubes to
fall. She didn’t…
The championship vs it other.
I enjoyed playing with other players again
We all know that this is a serious problem that needs a lot of safety measures and prevention ways but instead of spreading the positive vibes all around people are spreading all those rumours which can mislead them who needs more immunity to stay out of it but those bad rumours making them more scared and nervous. Need to…
How do I enter
Fishing with friends: Feel lonely!
This has never happened of all time :( No one catchs fish. I think everyone knew the reason why Does anyone get this situation like me? Really no one