Game stops making Monklings on level 177
level 177 needs you to collect orange candies to make 2 monklings to pass. however after the first monkling has been made and collected, it doesn’t matter how many orange candies you collect, the game doesn’t do anything once the meter is filled up and you just waste moves trying to collect more when it is already filled.…
Candy crush jelly
Why aren`t i getting any free boosters on all my Candy crush games?
Level 1741
I need help with level 1741. Apparently there are different versions. I have only seen the version with 35 moves, collect 2 monklings. The version I am playing has 20 moves, collect 4 monklings. What do i need to do to beat it?
Bug busted
Monklings does not collected 😑
Bug Events in Landscape Mode
Bug Events with Large Size when Landscape Mode on Phone such as 20:9 Aspect Ratio. Events is Normal in MS Store version of Candy Crush Jelly Saga. Sorry, no Fishing with Friends in the Event in MS Store version in Screenshot. Please Studio Fix Events on Landscape Mode in Mobile version like 20:9. or Removed support for…
More lives needed
Can anyone help me with more lives
No visualizo el libro con los retos contra Kelly.
Buenos días community kings. Desde hace un tiempo no me sale el librito en el medio de la pantalla con el cual hacías retos, cada dos movimientos, contra Kelly. Una vez superados tienes los premios, veo, en las fotos de los progresos de los compañeros/as, que a todos les sigue saliendo y a mi ya no. Gracias de antemano. No…
Free lives
when running out of lives i always pressed messages where you could send lives which still happens then you could receive lives but not had any for months now is there a problem or has it changed thanks
Delete King Account
How would I delete my account if I no longer play the games?
Edited by CM: 🤔
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules