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I'm not enjoying level 191 of Alphabetty

Grusby Posts: 1 Newbie

I really love Alphabetty but having reached 191 and being unable to get past it after 30 plus attempts I've lost all enthusiasm. It simply isn't a challenge. Half the time it fails itself because it is unable to create even a three letter word. When it does work you spend over half the goes searching for the one three letter word that is available. It only starts to get remotely like previous levels when you have just a few moves left and then its impossible to complete. There is absolutely no skill involved whatsoever, unlike the previous 190 of which I've completed all but one with three stars.

Please, please change it so that it meets the standard of the rest of the game. It looks to me like nobody eles has got this far because I can't believe with your high standards you would let such a poor level through and I can't find any other complaints.


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