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25QueenB said:
If you don't have a Community account yet, no worries, sign up right here to participate It only takes a second! As easy as that 😉
Are you the Community MasterMind?
Prove it and crack the code!
To keep you in shape this summer, we're giving some food for your brain! No need for the usual holiday homework, we have it all ready for you and on top of that, we're giving you Gold! SWEET!
How does it work?
14 games, 14 codes. Crack them all to get 100 Gold bars and the Mastermind Badge!
Can't do the maths? No worries, if you can only crack a few codes, we'll still give 20 Gold Bars to 10 winners in each games.
Interesting, eh?! Find all info about the Master Mind Contest here.
To start, can you solve this?Comment below with the right answer!
You have until Sunday 14th of July, 13pm CET to participate! You can read the Terms and Conditions here.
Good luck everyone 🍒Now don't wait any longer - Grad your magnifying glass and go crack the codes!
@mercerikmercerik said:Hi @QueenB!20 is my FINAL ANSWER2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (Waffles) = 64 (Waffle with 2 Added Layers of Frosting) + 10 + 10 (Value of 2 Fish) = 247 + 7 + 7 (Value of 3 Jellos) = 213 (Waffle with 1 Added Layer of Frosting) + 12 (Fish with purple slime) + 5 (Waffle with 3 Layers of Frostings of Teal Color, topped with Caramel, then topped with Milk Chocolate and White Chocolate Swirl) = 20
Note: I only valued the Waffle with a total of 5 on the last one because the white chocolate swirl didn't
seem to be separated from or superimposed over the Milk Chocolate just like the rest over the Waffle.
Therefore, I conclude that 20 is the Final Answer.