πŸ₯‡First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • @Tiatouti , there is another option! You can create a new profile to play, but do not enter in the forum using this profile, use it only for playing!

    You can come in the forum using your current profile!

    The only you need is a new email adress! πŸ˜‰

  • Tiatouti
    Tiatouti Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Hi @NikolaosProdromidis

    I play with the account that my aunty created for me years back maybe 10 years now!!! And for the community here I have a different one, I cannot cancel the first one its full of gold, boosters and I reach the end of the game with every update, so I will loose all the above πŸ€ͺ

    but just mentioning and posting where im and what are my interest suddenly all changed in the game, I cannot win 3 games…

    any way I will not get frustrated because of a game, if it will continue the same, I might leave it, lets see

  • @Tiatouti hi!

    Of course you have not to cancel your old account and loose all boosters etc. It is also a good idea to use a different account for the forum.

    Studio knows only your second account's player id. So nobody can affect your gameplay because of your participation in the forum!

    On the other hand, there is not a blacklist for anyone complains here in the forum.

    There are some other things affecting your gameplay experience! Most important is if you spend gold bars for unlimited or for keeping streak. If so, then it is possible that the algorithm makes you loose, to force you spend gold bars, nothing more! 😎

  • klev8628
    klev8628 Posts: 219


  • Tiatouti
    Tiatouti Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Hi @NikolaosProdromidis

    come on wise Man, im a computer engineer with a master in programing, its very easy to know who you are and how many account you are using from your IP address, its very easy, they are developers, big heads! and for sure they have many hackers and they know every single details in their games, they know definitely they know 😜😜

    look what happen with us a month ago, β€œEliana” sent an email to the support centre, and usually they reply directly by an acknowledge email but she did not receive any feedback so she send a kind of reminder and also nothing received!!! I was checking my email β€œAllouna” and I found that they rely to my email, we were so surprised and really confused on how they can reply to a different email! But I knew after some investigation that its very easy and it can happen if you play on 2 different devices but you are using same connection, I will ask my aunty to send you screen shots on FB

    so I know that whatever is happening with me on this Arena happen for a reason, I cannot win 3 consecutive games and never from almost 18 months I faced the same! maybe they think that we are one person, I can send them our IDs if they want 😝😝😝

    Never I pay gold bars to keep my progress, but I play unlimited

    what badge you have now?

  • @Tiatouti hi!

    I could never think that the Studio would be interested if a player complaints or not and so affect this player's gameplay!

    The same I.P. is correct, but it is very common more members of a family to participate in a game and of course they have the same I.P.

    I noticed sometimes that I am in a losing loop and at the same time my wife @Nadia1770 has a big win streak!

    So I never connected what we say in the forum to our gameplay experience!

    On the other hand, if someone with good computer knowledge wants to know who you are, it is easy to do it!

    My doubt is why is so interesting to a big worldwide company, find out information about a few players who complaint because they loose! 😁

  • This is my level for today:

  • Tiatouti
    Tiatouti Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Hi @NikolaosProdromidis

    no no do not take me wrong im not complaining, I love the game and love the challenge on it!

    its a very clever idea that the Man who thought about it, he is really a Genius

    Good luck…

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited June 2021

    @Tiatouti , of course you are not complaining!

    I speak in general, because most of us do (myself including)!

    Let's enjoy our day off and start again the new event tomorrow! πŸ˜€

    Wish you good luck too!

    I hope that I keep this position till event's end!


  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,409

    5 minutes left and the stupid screen "No match found" always appears

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?