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🔥 Hot Right Now in Candy Crush Jelly Saga 🌶
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  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Wow! So these bots always got the top rewards? I wish then that I could have been a bot back then instead of purchasing extra moves!

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,862

    YES!😍 Totally! This game has a lot of potential 🤗

    Jelly wasn't this first King Game I played, however I think the graphics at the time where far more engaging than any others, for me there was a story/journey and I loved this and still do.

    More could be done to improve this game by the Jelly studio designer team. They have a very good platform already! A few new additions with events, GB, free moves would really benefit the game.

    The designer teams for each game seem to vary in activity, or non activity. It would be interesting to know IF there is anyone here 🤠🤔thinking tumble weed.

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,862

    Thank you Niko,

    I find things hard to understand.

    The thing about "bots" I never heard of until I played here (RC) You could/can choose to be a bot? Please explain, I love learning 🤗

    I can see what you say in a manner of patterns of other games.

    I didn't know about test groups until recently.

    I found many players in RC whose players names where swear words and quite intimidating, and those that would taunt you with the facial gifs. I learnt how to switch these off (eventually) and ignore the player names, because in essence it was fun especially as I thought I was playing a real player in real time like I would playing Chess.

    We where promised something new which should have replaced RC, it never came. Now I don't believe it will.

    I think there are many reasons why players left/don't play anymore. Such a shame 😥

  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 717

    I never heard of these "Bots". I don't know what they are, but I don't think it's fair they get free rewards!!!!😡 I'm still on this stupid level 7776. Which I was warned about by a player!!!! 22 moves. The fish keep hitting your boosters. It takes10 moves to complete the first level and your left with 14 moves. You can win with these new levels unless someone does something. OR THEY ARE GETTING FREE BOOSTERS? WOW! Then, what about the rest of us? No wonder people are leaving. Also a few opened up a lawsuit. I talked about it last year. I was the heavy, the troublemaker. Then I got vindicated. How do I get to be a "Bot?" So I can have fun and stop getting blacked with these 20-22 levels?

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Dear cat

    I'm always a person who thinks ahead and saw your many complaints in
    every post. It's always the same complaints.
    Me and the other players understand you very well and we are all in the
    same boat, as we say in Germany. I just want to ask you to please be
    careful. It could be that no one will want to take part in these
    discussions threads anymore.
    I would like to continue these current discussions everywhere. It's
    interesting what each player has to say about it. Even I didn't know
    That's why I would like to ask you to limit yours.
    It's not ill will. It's just getting too much for me personally.
    Please do not be mad at me.
    I would have preferred to tell you in private and not in front of all
    the players. Unfortunately this option no longer exists. I hope you
    can understand me!!! I would like to continue to have a nice discussion
    with all of you.

    All the best, Peggy💓

    For any help you need, we are all here for you. All you have to do is ask us!!!🙏

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited May 2024

    "Bot" Stories - Part II 🤖👽️😎

    Lets continue the stories about "bots"!

    We usually were calling "bots" our opponents who usually had one of the following avatars:

    They also had certain names: Player, Spieler, Speler, Joueur, Oyuncu etc and then various random names: Veronica, Alexandru, Chun-Chieh, Luke, Patty, Carlota, shinobu, Yuuma, Baatar, Sanzhar, Jennifer, Raquel, Tarik, Mohammadu and others.

    Finally they had an extremely advantageous candydropping!

    One day I was told that any newcomer in Jelly gets a reward of 50 Gold Bars! I had forgotten if I had this gift when I first started playing and I wanted to test about it. So I logged out of my fb account and I started playing Jelly from level 1.

    R.C. was available when reaching level 5. I was returned back to level one and I had one of the random King avatars! My name on my screen was "Me"! I also got 50 Gold Bars!

    I played 4 levels on Jelly map and then entered R.C. At that time a "miracle" happened: I had extremely easy wins!!

    It was very easy to pass the 1st and 2nd stages (the brown and the blue levels!)

    But this was not for too long, after entering the 3rd stage, the game was becoming more difficult!

    I tested it many times and always it was the same! I understood that the game algorithm was advancing the newcomers for a few matches!

    Result: The so called "bots" were just newcomers to the game, people who were playing without any account and the algorithm was giving them some easy victories, to make them like the game!

    There are a lot of players out there who have a smartphone, they download games and they don't use email or fb to login. They play for years out of any account!

    When someone was playing R.C. out of any account, the name he/she was looking on their screen was "me", while their opponents were looking them having one random name!

    So, this is how I "became" a "bot": playing out of any account!! (but only for a few levels!!!) 😁😁😁

    @_Elsa_ @Spinnifix @Cat-13 @200mimis @Racoon7 @95chata @Princess_Jessica @johamilton @rebelchild @NamTruong2001 @Nadia1770

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833

    Hello @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @Spinnifix and @Cat-13

    Yes! It looks like things have been processed very slow by King/Studio, or nothing has been done at all since I joined the Community 5 years ago.
    Remember Nikolaos how much effort we put on our discussions at that time and pretty much nothing was done or very little? Members of the Studio were in Community forums taking questions from us but we were scrutinized and we were not allowed to ask tough questions about the problems with the games. All I read was beautiful compliments to developers and questions that didn’t have anything to do with the subject. That was a joke to me. I never commented because I knew my direct questions to them about the issues with the games were not going to be approved by the Managers.
    Last week I was reading all the comments on the Discussion page “Come share your thoughts”
    So many of you made really good suggestions to improve the CCJS game. We were told that the Studio was aware of this discussion and that they were reading everything. This happened on November 2023! And until today, I have seen nothing resolved by the Studio! Not even a comment from one of their members. Mods and Managers don’t have nothing else to say anymore. Just for us to wait and to have patience. That has been always their answer….
    People don’t ask anymore. Instead they leave the Community and close their game’s app.
    To me this is a rude and a very unprofessional behavior from the Studio. They should make their presence here and at least acknowledge all the players that have posted questions and suggestions here.
    Of course you will hear their excuses like “they are too busy doing more important things”

    Like if we are not important to them at all….
    This situation is very disappointing and for that reason I stopped playing this game.

    Best wishes to all of you, ❤️

  • Snow_Rider
    Snow_Rider Posts: 2,855

    Hi @Spinnifix! I'm sorry to hear that you're not satisfied with your game experience. Your passion and effort in making suggestions to improve the game are truly appreciated.

    Rest assured that we do our best to relay all players' feedback to the Studio and report issues promptly. For game and community suggestions, please use the Idea section to ensure your suggestions are noticed.

    Regarding the Daily Win and claiming stickers, you don’t need to play levels on consecutive days. However, you must log into the game regularly to maintain your progress. We always welcome feedback about this feature, but to ensure it's seen, please stay on topic and share your thoughts under the feature announcement.

    As for our moderators, please keep in mind that they cannot edit posts and titles of other players. Only Community Managers and Game Experts have access to edit posts.

    I understand that some of your experiences have been frustrating, and I'm sorry that you feel unheard. We strive to make the community a safe and fun place, where everyone feels comfortable to share their thoughts and ideas. However, it's important to remember to keep your comments respectful and kind.

    Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello Niko
    I didn't know all that and thank you for your detailed explanations.
    What I also don't know is that you can play without an account. 🤷‍♀️
    I always thought you needed an account.

  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 717

    I don't believe nothing is coming either. I've upgraded my computer and my tablet. Nothing has happened. I'm still stuck on Level 7776 for the 3rd day now. Even with a two day booster you can't win on 22 moves.. I know why people have left

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?