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DU123 Level 3


  • That's great @Snow_Rider , i'll go back and replay them so i can see the change. Thanks for the info 🤗
  • Thank you @PrettyBubbles 🤗
  • Congratulations @Heyduck @maf34100 @PD987 for coming first. ( @Heyduck your score was phenomenal btw!) And congratulations to @DieOmimi @200mimis @Racoon7 @rebelchild @Palash_Sarma @sudejo for coming second and third place. Well done guys 👏 And to everyone else who placed, a big well done to you all. Thanks to my teammates…
  • We didn't place anywhere @moe75 , but i'm a firm believer in 'it's the taking part that counts'! Thanks to you and @LeFlarcane , i enjoyed being on your team. Maybe it'll happen again one day 🤗
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 16
  • Hi @moe75 , i was asleep when you sent this (1.25am UK) I had a good day thanks ☺️ I'm not sure where we came in the contest, i'm going to look now.
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 16
  • I don't like to see people missing out @johamilton , so you're very welcome 🤗 And hopefully you'll get to play again at some point 🤞
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 15
  • I don't know where my post went 😮 I'm ok with it @johamilton , and for them to post that score regardless of the screenshot. And thank you, and also well done to you and your team on your scores.
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 15
  • I'm ok with it, it wouldn't be fair if they missed out. Tbh i'm even happy for them to post that score regardless of the screenshot. Thank you @johamilton , and well done on your team scores as well.
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 15
  • @moe75 @LeFlarcane Times is getting on towards the deadline so i just posted our scores.
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 15
  • Team Bubble-icious scores are as follows: (LeFlarcane did Morgana level) Total = 2,606,303
  • Hi @LeFlarcane , thanks for posting your score. Who's going to post our screenshots on Jo's thread, you, myself or @moe75
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 15
  • Hi @LeFlarcane , have you got a score for our team yet?
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 14
  • Well done 👍 Here's mine @moe75
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 14
  • Hi @moe75 @LeFlarcane , shall i post my screenshot on Jo's thread tomorrow?
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 13
  • Thank you @moe75 🤗
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 2
  • @moe75 @LeFlarcane I've managed to get a really good score on an owl level, so i'd like to stay with that if you're both ok with it?
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 1
  • Hi @LeFlarcane , nice to see you 👋 I'm glad you like the name ☺️ I'm happy to do an owl or ghost level. I've had some good scores on the ghost levels, but it's definitely tricky trying for a score with the last 3 numbers starting 895. I'm getting 995 a lot, but pointless for this competition of course 🤭
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 April 1
  • @johamilton Team 7 will now be called Bubble-icious ☺️
  • Glad to hear it @moe75 ☺️ Great, that's what we'll go with then. I'll let Jo know on her thread.
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 March 30
  • Hi @moe75 , my weekend is going well thanks, plus the sun is shining 🌟 Hope yours is good too. I was thinking about our team name, what do you think about 'Bubble-icious'? I can't think of anything else 🤦‍♀️
    in Bubble-icious Comment by DU123 March 30

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?