Let's win Everytime... Leishas Army
Hey.... I made my own FANTASTIC FIVE group .... I am currently #1 in levels won this week.... I am very competitive and I don't like to lose.... Join my team if you are the same way.... ATTENTION SOLDIERS.... IT'S TIME TO JOIN LEISHAS ARMY.... HURRY HURRY THE SLOTS ARE FILLING UP QUICK
Why I don't have crushisreal fun event in my game
Hello dear @Pounawea I don't have CrushIsReal fun event to play in my ccs game it's week 2 from 6 to 10 levels but still I don't have it in my game.....I only have built a bot in fun event that's all Takecare Have a nice day
Friends Playlist 🎶🎶
During quarantine I love music so let's share some of our favorite songs for others to listen to during this time.
Subjected to unending CC Soda ads
If I wanted to play Candy Crush Soda I would already be playing Candy Crush Soda. It’s not like it is a new game. Why am I forced to see it constantly? Actually I would rather be playing Candy Crush Classic! Could we please have that back?
➡️ ❣️ Help us improve the game accessibility in Candy Crush Saga!
Would you like to participate, share your feedback and win Gold Bars? Sign up to our forum HERE in 2 seconds! Dear community, A great saga needs all sorts of heroes and that’s why we embrace and celebrate what makes us different rather than what makes us the same. 👉As the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) takes…
Previous played games
I find it helpful if you go back to levels you have already completed and make sure you replay them with all 3 gold stars you receive extra boosters.
The Crush is Real
Hello, I LOVE Candy Crush and I have been playing since day one! I'm currently playing all 4 versions and original Candy Crush is my all-time favorite thing to do on the planet!!! I play every single time I get a chance. I try not to play at work anymore but I play as soon as I get everything done at night after work. I…
📋 Candy Crushers! A new survey to help the UX Team with your feedback!
Hello everyone, Today, and on behalf of our dear UX team, I'd like to invite you all to take part in a new Survey! 📝Let me share below their message with all the information: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Crushers! We are back with another super survey. We…
good night, I don't know how to use this site, I'm new here and I'm lost