Level 9184
Hi there, I feel this level is impossible to finish I’ve been stuck for two days and I don’t even come close to finishing. Please help!!!!
Level 9181
Another impossible level. Not enough moves and too many caramels. Only a few levels in Lollipop Meadow have been fun.
Level 9184
Just another impossible level within Lollipop Meadow. Again too little moves and too many obstacles! Beyond tedious!
how we can see the video for more life or some new gifts or some event
Please tell
Level 9202... what's going on?
This level is impossible, I looked online for some tips. Every example I reviewed had 40 moves(yes 40 moves) As you can see on my level, I only have 24 moves plus the 5 middle rows of cherries are enclosed in licorice. I bet everyone that passed this level had the 40 moved and no-licorice enclosed cherries. I bet they…
Level 9208
this week in many Levels the movements decreased dramatically The same in this Level as in 9208 and 9203 the Levels are unplayble .do not know if this is the new policy of the company and if we should stop playing...
I am stuck on level 1620..can anyone help me plz??
Lever 1142
V worst level u made it so hard that people r unable to complete it do some changes
Level 9208
9208 is insane Moves r less in 9208 level than shown Iin youtube video pls help
Level 9802 is insane, cannot pass
Why moves r less in level 9802 compared to what is shown in youtube video