Nível 4936
Alguma dica para ultrapassar o nível 4936. Fazer 590.000 pontos em 12 jogadas é impossível. Malmente chego a 50.000. Deve haver algum erro. Vendo dicas no youtube, os vídeos que assisti, ao se usar a bola de cores a pontuação dispara, chegando a 200.000 a 300.000. Quando eu utilizo chega a 10.000 no máximo. Gosto muito…
Hello. I am stuck on level 963. I'm not sure how to get the fruit down Thanks alot
Помогите пройти 1198 уровень,застряла уже 5 день
When there will be the next update to be able to continue playing from level 4779 which unfortunately has problems as you have confirmed to me.
Level 5430
It's not mathematically possible to complete this level on my android tablet. I only accrue a couple of hundred points for each move when I need thousands. There must be a glitch in this game, can this be investigated please.
Cinema feature
My husband and I both play candy crush saga, he has a feature that he can watch advertisements for lives. How do I get this feature on my game?
Level 4378
In this level I can explode more than 10 colored bombs but I can't get a score higher than 300000. In videos on YouTube, the score increases much quicker It is like there is a bug in the counting... Any advice because it becomes frustrating;)
Nivel 512
Ayuda para poder descifrar y lograr la misión
Level 511 is Impossible with 16 Moves
There's a bunch of licorice locks and it's hard to make any color bomb, with 5 colors and many blockers only 16 moves.
Leaderboard level rank different with other players
My leaderboard level / rank shows different even I beat other players