1775 level
How to pass 1775 level
Number of moves keeps changing
Why is the number of moves drastically changing to less moves on a lot of the levels? It’s not right that King is doing that. On the level I’m on now, 1781, there used to be 40 moves.....now there are only 18 moves. A lot of people seeing this change, while others are not. It should be a level playing field.... stop…
Tip, level 770 CCSaga
Pre-game fish booster worked on 6th attempt. Almost had it with pre-game booster colour bomb. On 1st try, had build a bot boosters & didn't get as far as with colour bomb.
Tip level 748 CCSaga
Make lots of vertical stripe candies. Not so sure pre game booster fish is gonna help. 3 double layer jellies locked up & need to Crush on keys to unlock. I've noticed lately pre boosters are 1st thing hints want you to use, or there is no other move to make. Utilize track to maneuver vertical striped candies.
What is the objective to complete level 190? Very confusing.......
. Hello - I have been stuck on level 190 forever. Can you please tell me the objective to complete this game? It is very confusing to me. Also - where do my lives go that friends send me. Your help is much appreciated!
Level videos
Support Team & @Lynette, wonderful job at posting videos of CCSaga, I'm in the 700's. And for posting the other King games too. I don't Crush there as of yet. I did come across a different board on level 746, missing blockers, & 747 I'm unable to look at, or even download. Phone/WiFi/internet here is for crap(below ocean…
Level 1864
Please help me with some tips on level 1864. Thanks.
Help x
I think I am getting to old for candy crush I am stuck on a level and no matter how much I have to start off with I just can't complete the game..... Maybe time to retire me thinks xx
Need help changing my e - mail address.
It now is Lbronzo274@gmail.com
Tip level 709 CCSaga
No boosters & 6 lives later. Followed hints. It allowed colour bombs to be made. I'm kinda curious as to why hasn't anyone else playing done what I've done here? Took time to write this up, for the up & coming players looking for help, instead of complaining to whining. Especially those folks that are waiting for more…