Leagues Qualifier
What is Leagues Qualifier? It says to find the hidden candy but I think is it only in new levels. I am at the last level and beat it a few times without finding any of the hidden candy. I even went back and beat a few levels in a row. Is it a glitch? Thanks for helping out. Maria
The level seems to be wrong. There is no way we can break the spawner. I have cleared all jellies so many times now but two jellies still remain probably behind the spawner which cant be broken. Please rectify the level.
Level 11473
King team.pls fix the problem for this level.
I have a problem at level 11473 .. with the last two jellies .. on you Tube there is the specific level with 234 jellies and not with 236 .. please correct this ..
Level 11473
Please remove the licorice barrier from the magic mixer! You have to have at least 5 hammer pops to finish this level and they aren't even available for purchase unless you buy one of the giant booster packs. It's impossible to pass this level without the hammers.....I'm so disappointed, been playing for 10 years. Fix this…
Extra Moves and store stuck on connecting
My game won't connect to store and extra moves screen is always loading. I've tried clear cache method but nothing is changing my I'd is below
What is the deal with 11473? Impossible without boosters?? So frustrating
How do you remove the frog on 547?
Help help help
Level 532 is really starting to #### me off, I have had people trying to help me but I can never get where they say get too. I have lost all my boosters off the screen to so I wonder if thats part of the problem. I have done this years ago but have forgotten how to get the frog to do what is needed. I am asking for help…
Level 532
I have been trying for 4 days now, I get rid of all the squares but have no idea what to do with the frog. I have had some help but none of it seems to help. I have used over 60 points buying stuff but still haven't come close to finishing it. HELP,HELP,HELP please