Love candy
How do you get your 10000 bagde
Hi there, I am at leven 10200 already and still havent figured out how to get my 10k badge. it says upload your screenshot, but where do I need to do that? If I read how many people are asking this, it is apparently not clear. Where can I get it and where do I have to upload my screenshot. Thank you!!♥
Alguien me puede decir como se sabe q va a salir el cono q borra todo el tablero el q también ayuda cuando está la pared??
Comment les attraper ? Merci
Impossible After10000!!
All levels after 10000 are impossible to finish! Hard levels need all your boosters to finish a level. Also no gifts . No more fun ,its boring and time to quit playing .
Extra lives
How do I get extra lives
Good evening every body. After getting past four levels I am stuck on level 3187. Has anyone had success getting past this level? Thank you and have a nice evening.
Unable to log in
I was forget my password. My current level is 2331 Now help to login because I don't remember my password only ID remember
Good morning everyone and how is every body doing today? I am currently stuck on this level. Has anyone got past this level recently? Thank you and have a nice day.
Level 6626
I really don't like this kind of level where you don't have to play well to win , you just must wait to be lucky so I wait since three days that candy crush make me lucky to win , I hate this . Bring us real level to play to enjoy the game 25 mooves to shot 155 cakes and 77 boxes , it's impossible, so I wait that you make…