♀️🐉 Thought female eastern dragons are weird?
Normally, eastern dragons would usually be male in Chinese mythology, with the female counterpart being the phoenix. Candy Crush challenges this trend by retconning its dragon character to be female, but she's not alone if recent media is any example. Shown below are 7 different works of fiction featuring one or multiple…
New here
would like to chat with angel
I’m a furry are you?
I think you are 50 years old
New community
I'm happy to be here 🥰
Wanna connect with friends.
Hey friends…. Especially those on my friends list that always send me life tirelessly. Hope y’all are having a great time??
Weekly challenge
can you guys please put the Facebook friends back on the weekly challenge? These people we have now we don’t know and they’re hide one two or three spot please
Send lives
Camille send me some lives
All Star Tournament Gold Bars
Assuming you get into the final 10 spots in the in person game of the All Star Tournament, I have some questions: Do you get to keep the gold bars you have on your account? Or do you start with zero gold bars. Do you get new levels in the in person tournament? Is there a way to watch the entire tournament again on replay?
How do I change my profile picture?
Ive been doing the most to put a picture of myself on my profile. And since I don't have a Facebook idk how else to it. Anyone?