Birthday question :)
What was the best moment that happened during one of your birthdays?
Loging in to candy crush using my email
I have an account already with king withy email address and password IV got. IV used the same when trying to login with my email through candy crush game app. However it still keeps telling me it's wrong and I can't log in. Why and can some one help please?????
I'm sorry but I just can't take seeing Khloe Kardashian every 2 seconds. Have to uninstall. See you when she's gone.
New management for Candy Crush?
I have this nagging suspicion Candy Crush was bought over by an investment company. Some folks who cared nothing about the delights of the game but just saw an opportunity to use its addictiveness to make money. The entire point of the game now seems to be to frustrate you on all levels and make sure you use boosters that…
lost my progress,,back to level 1..on windows 7 laptop
Cocopalm answer only
._. It is i
Tricky Riddles💫
Let's Fun😃 Tagging some players; @Diamond Lim @kiara_wael @fable1707 @crabapple @Icicle_246 @johan1082010 @jamilsidiq @BlueberryCupcake @plushytoysfan @Nix66 @MollyMolls @Alex18 @SBH @DieOmimi @@Anahita_2005 @Trish24@LoveDachs @rebelchild @LilyEvans 1st Riddle is; I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no…
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Level 4053
I can't figure out how easy beat this level, doesn't seem to be a way to open the locks to get to the last 9 squares. Has anyone been able to figure it out?