Axolotls look like dragons?
Elsa and Tiffi put their heads together and created a new story called “Friends’ Got Talent”. If you have ever watched the popular talent show in your country then you will know what this new story is all about. Twelve characters have participated in the talent show. There is no ending, as you already know if you read…
Something big is coming to the Friends community on Monday 8.3.2020
Have you heard that something big is coming to the Friends' Community on Monday, 3rd August? What could it be? Tiffi knows but she is not telling anyone. Yeti is trying to find out the secret on his tablet. Nutcracker has no clue. What could it be? "We need to know," Nutcracker says. "Yeti type in Google the date and…
Level Scores on Candy Crush Saga level 236.
On level 236 my highest score is 467240. What's your highest score on level 236 by replying with your highest score on this level.
Hi, I am Sherry. Candy crush hasn’t been good to me lately and I am feeling a little depressed.
Real axing and entertaining
Hi, I would like to open a new discussion because I don't want to give lives less time
I’m ready for more crushing
I haven't had a game in a while so I will do one now. I hope this game gets loads of views and comments because it took me ages to think of this game. If any of you can, please tag others into this game so spread the word. THE GAME: For the game you have to say words that start with a certain letter. After a while, or when…
How are you?
I know in some places, it is getting back to normal, however some areas there are lockdowns. Let's share how our city or town is like is like at the moment. Mine is becoming back to normal, although I live near a place which has a lockdown. But most importantly, how are you?