Bundle not received
I was offered an extra small bundle, and I asked someone else to pay, it was paid, but I didn't received the bundle. I've the invitation link but I can't find that offer. https://play.app.goo.gl/jUhAnVbRZ9VmX2po6
Kein Bonbon Royal
Bei mir ist seit einiger Zeit bonbon royal verschwunden ??
محتاج اعلانات حتى أتمكن من الحصول على جوائز والاستمرار ف مرور الادوار
I can't get lives,why,and i can't watch videos to get moves?
Je veux recevoir de la publicité
comment recevoir de la publicité pour avoir des booster gratuit
Level 18,201
I’m at level 18,200 and I see others are playing level 18,201 but it shows a rainbow and not level 18201
How can I change my ad profile?
Ever since I bought a necklace for my wife, the ads I see have switched to target only women. I get countless ads for large breasted women’s bras, mascara, lots of jewelry, etc. and none of the ads I used to get which at least some of the time were interesting. How can I reset to a male demographic?
I got charged 15.07 twice. I need to dispute the charge
No more ads
I'm nolonger getting ads on my games..I restarted the game bit still no ads
I'm playing through Facebook on edge. Any other ideas.
I receive boosters but they never appear.