I paid for my bank but it didn't give me the gold bars
I paid for gold bar bank and I didn't receive them only took my money
Temu ads want let me play the games
This ad makes the game start over even after watching it 4 times.None of the other ads do this.so why temu doing this .Keep it up and I will delete the app
Trying to move my level from my old phone to my new phone
how do I move my game level from my old phone to my new phone
Lost my game
I have my level and the wheel and nothing else once I connected to my Facebook I had a long winning streak and I had just brought the 19.99 package and was winning the weekly and the knockout and now I don't have any of the on my screen . I wonder where that all went Teresa
Why am I at a low level now?
I haven't logged in in awhile and now that I just did, it shows me at at least 5,000 levels lower. How do I fix that?
Hi on level 16992 and lost all boosters. Any way to retrieve them?
Gift card
how do I redeem a gift card if I logged into candy crush through Apple? I tried logging out and registering a different way and it doesn’t save my progress.
Why can't I download candy crush saga?
Enlever un voile noir ?
Bonjour, depuis hier seulement j'ai un voile noir sur mon téléphone et mon ordinateur impossible de jouer. J'ai supprimé les caches des deux appareils, j'ai regardé si adobe flash était a jour . Tout est ok de mon côté et toujours impossible de jouer.j'ai un compte lié sur Facebook. Comment puis je résoudre mon problème.…