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I am at level 481. My all boosters collected over months are lost. How to get them back ?

Poonam Posts: 1 Newbie

I am playing candy crush saga for months now. i have collected many boosters till date. All of a sudden my all boosters are lost. Also, there seems no way to get them back. Tell me how can I get my all boosters back collected so far else I'll stop playing the game and will uninstall it as  well.


  • Tune_D
    Tune_D Posts: 1,090 Level 3

    Hi Poonam, ouch! Very recognizable and I'd therefor recommend you not to save too many boosters and lives in any game. I've stopped doing so myself after the first time I'd lost all I had saved. If you get a new phone or you install a new update, you risk losing what you've been saving. On the other hand, don't forget their games are free and at least you get a free daily booster.

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