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Ticket to Pass Level 845

almamira Posts: 1 Newbie

i already passed the level 845 and got 1.6M score what? i keep sending ticket request to my friend for almost 3 days and 3 of them replied alreadybut i didnt see in CC.  please help me to unlock the next level. :(

Best Answer

  • aCe
    aCe Posts: 1,442 Level 2
    Answer ✓

    There is no next level, haha, well not for the moment. The last current level is 845 so we have to wait a little for the new ones. Then you'll be able to send out the requests. 


  • aCe
    aCe Posts: 1,442 Level 2
    Answer ✓

    There is no next level, haha, well not for the moment. The last current level is 845 so we have to wait a little for the new ones. Then you'll be able to send out the requests. 

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