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My account says I have passed every level even though I haven't played them

Ashley05 Posts: 1 Newbie

Shows I have passed with really high scores like in the billions. Some levels won't let me go on to the next after I beat it. My phone and tablet won't let me play some levels at all.


  • Tune_D
    Tune_D Posts: 1,090 Level 3

    Hi Ashley05, something must have gone wrong for your app. My guess is that this will be fixed for you in the next update. I once had an issue for my app and it got solved when I installed the next available update as soon as it was released. If you  have synchronised your progress on and Facebook, then you can try maybe to uninstall and re-install the app meanwhile. Afterwards you simply synchronise with your Facebook or and you should be back on track.

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