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where is the email for the green challange i did not recive the bonus

craigackermansr Posts: 2 Newbie

where is the email for the green challange i did not recive the bonus i have been waiting for king to fix this as they know who completed the challange but as it seems king is only going to give the bonus to the ones that contact them making your player correct your problem  shame on you king

Best Answer

  • MarkHawk
    MarkHawk Posts: 4,061 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hi, Seems there was a glitch in the game in order to receive the correct bonus. Please see the email with further instruction, so we manually can add the correct bonus to your game account. Thanks.


  • MarkHawk
    MarkHawk Posts: 4,061 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hi, Seems there was a glitch in the game in order to receive the correct bonus. Please see the email with further instruction, so we manually can add the correct bonus to your game account. Thanks.

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