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I lost my gold bars, new friends...

Michele_Min Posts: 1 Newbie

I lost my gold bars. I had approximately 23 gold bars and when I started my game the other day, I noticed that I now only have 6.

Also, I use to have aroximately 6 friends and now I have about 75 with all of them having candy crush type names.

Lastly, I'm not able to connect through my Facebook. When I try to connect, I'm being told that it's taking too long to connect and try again but I'm not successful. Any ideas about these issues? Thanks Michele


  • Crusher18
    Crusher18 Posts: 1,286 Level 2

    Hi Michele, when you see the list of friends are you connected through Facebook at the time? I think you may be connected through the Kingdom- there is an orange symbol with a white silhouettes of two people. If you connect here it will automatically allow you to play with others in the area who are on a similar level to you. Maybe you could upload a screenshot so that we can take a look?  

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