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Used gold bars by accident by picking phone up wrong and hitting use gold bar button.

H90716 Posts: 1 Newbie

My heart is breaking.  I hardly ever "cheat" with boosters unless I'm really stuck, and almost never use gold bars. I did have to use gold bars to get through 762 and have just started on 763.  I lost the round, set my phone down, and when I picked it up the screen had spun sideways and I spent NINETEEN gold bars on a level I wasn't even close to winning. Is there any way you would take pity on me and reverse the accidental usage? I would play a level 100's or 1000's of times before using gold bars. And I would absolutely try boosters first. Please have mercy on me and reverse my stupid mistake. Thank you. HH 


  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725 Level 5

    My name is Johnny, I am a moderator here on the King Care site. Due to a technical error this post did not appear on the site.

    I apologise for this, rest assured this is being looked at to ensure that it does not happen again.

    If you still have a query then feel free to use the site for help or post your question again so our community can assist you.

    Kind regards,


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