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Level 1162 Glitches, Please Fix

Former_User Posts: 0 Newbie

You need one cherry and one acorn to advance, but the game frequently gives you two cherries or two acorns, thus making it impossible to pass b/c the missing cherry/acorn only appears after you make your final move. This glitch has robbed me off three cotton candy wheels and two of the combo boosters.

Not to mention several lives.

I'd love to have those refunded to my account, but I'm guessing that won't happen.


  • Randle
    Randle Posts: 1,977 Level 2

    Hey Josh,

    Have a look at this video

    There are more out there on youTube already, most of them like this one, without boosters.

    I wish I'd get refunded mine ;-)

  • Former_User
    Former_User Posts: 0 Newbie

    Hey Josh,

    Have a look at this video

    There are more out there on youTube already, most of them like this one, without boosters.

    I wish I'd get refunded mine ;-)

    So King Care doesn't actually exist to help, huh? It just exists to give the pretense of help, providing a forum where users can complain, then get a canned response that in no way addresses the issue.I didn't say the level was impossible. I didn't say you couldn't pass it. I said there is frequently a glitch that makes passing the level randomly impossible by preventing the necessary fruit to appear in a timely fashion.The linked video does nothing to address this issue.But I know from prior experience, any future complaints will be ignored b/c I got my "answer."This is not a help forum.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?