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Boosters gone

I may have found an edge case that may cause one to lose one's boosters.

SCENARIO: one of the special events was in play (the Pirate event, I think). I had run out of lives, so I'd gone to my mail to accept some lives from friends (getting 5 total). After the next play of the event (where I failed the level), *all* accepted lives were gone (not just one, but all five). Further, upon the next time that I opened the app, I had no boosters at all. I'm wondering if there's an interaction side effect that allowed the event to kill my booster stash. (I can't cry too much since I've picked them all up from candy drops and wheel spins, but it's still annoying.)

(However, I *can* complain about how questions are handled.  I submitted this info through via their Contact Us link.  I got back a boilerplate e-mail that a) didn't acknowledge the info I'd given them, and b) referred me to here   Hint, King: that's *not* helpful.)

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